Last Updated: August 13, 2023


Thank you for choosing the Randomizer app (“we”, “our”, or “us”). We value your privacy and aim to protect any information you might share with us. This Privacy Policy is designed to explain in detail what information we collect from you, how we use it, and what controls you have regarding your data.

Information We Collect

Considering the core functionality of our application, we do not collect, store, or share any personal data of our users. All actions, including the generation of random numbers, are performed locally on your device. No data is sent or received from our servers.

Subscription Details

While you can subscribe to our app to unlock additional features and customize the app, the transaction and any related personal or financial details are handled directly by the Apple App Store and not by us. We do not have access to your personal or payment information.

How We Use Information

As we do not collect any data from our app, there is no information for us to use, sell, or share with third parties.

Your Rights & Choices

You have the right to:

  • Access: Since we do not collect or store any data, there’s no personal information you can access.

  • Deletion: Any data generated by the app, including the random numbers, reside only on your device and can be deleted by removing the app.

  • Portability: As we do not store any of your data, there is nothing to export or move.


All functionalities, including the generation of random numbers, are executed within your device. We ensure that no external parties can access or interfere with the data and functionality of the app.

Changes to This Policy

From time to time, we might update our Privacy Policy to ensure it’s in line with any changes in the law or updates to the app. If any major changes occur, we will notify our users via an in-app notification.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us through the support section within the app or by email at

Thank you for trusting Randomizer App with your needs.